Regular Fare*
Reduced Fare
Senior Citizens (age 65+ with proper ID)
Medicare cardholders (with proper ID)
Person with disabilities (with poper ID or Liberty Transit ADA Service Pass)
Children Under 6**
30-Day Pass (unlimited rides)
People eligible for reduced fare
Curb-to-Curb Service
All buses are wheelchair accessible. For eligible persons with a mobility impairment which prevents them from accessing regular bus stop locations, curb-to-curb service is available within 0.75 mile of the bus routes. Request an application for ADA eligibility by calling (912) 877-1472, visit the Liberty Transit Office, or print out an application from the website. A completed application should be submitted to Liberty Transit and approved prior to requesting curb-to-curb service.
Fare Value Cards
- *Transfers require payment of an additional fare.
- **Must be accompanied by a fare-paying adult; limited to 2 children per adult.
- Exact change is required when boarding the bus; bus drivers cannot handle cash or make change.