Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Paratransit Service Eligibility and Important Information
ADA Paratransit Service Information
Paratransit is a curb-to-curb, wheelchair-accessible van transportation service for people who are disabled, and who, because of the effects of their disabilities, are not able to use the regular Liberty Transit bus service for some or all trips.
Paratransit is not like taxi service. Rides are shared by customers who are picked up and dropped off throughout the ride.
You can expect travel times to be similar to travel times for the same trip on the regular bus. Although you do not need to live within Liberty Transit’s service area to apply for paratransit eligibility, paratransit only picks up. It drops off customers within a defined service area similar to the regular bus service area.
Who is eligible for Paratransit?
Eligibility determinations are based on the bus-riding limitations caused by a disability.
Paratransit can be used by persons with disabilities who complete the eligibility process and are approved for service. During the eligibility process, an applicant must show that, because of the effects of a disability, he/she cannot get to or from a bus stop, get on or off a bus, or successfully complete a trip using a regular bus.
All the regular and paratransit buses have wheelchair lifts. If a rider uses a wheelchair, the driver will safely secure the chair.
How to apply for Paratransit
Call 912-800-9318 to request an application or download an application:
Fill out the application completely. The applicant’s medical/mental health provider must fill out the Licensed Provider Verification section of the application.
After the application is submitted, the applicant may be asked to provide additional information and/or complete an in-person assessment at no cost to the applicant. The application is incomplete until the applicant has participated in all required assessments and provided all requested information to Liberty Transit.
Liberty Transit will determine eligibility within 21 calendar days of receiving all the required information, and written notice will be sent to the applicant. If it takes longer than 21 days, Liberty Transit will provide the applicant with ADA Paratransit service until an eligibility determination is made.
Paratransit eligibility is not permanent and will need to be renewed periodically. A renewal notice and a recertification form will be mailed to the applicant two to three months before eligibility expires.
Service Area and Hours
Paratransit service days and hours match the days and hours of the regular bus service. Trips must begin and end within the Paratransit service area. Paratransit provides service within the municipal boundaries of Hinesville, Walthourville and Flemington and within 3/4 mile of the regular bus routes for Allenhurst, Fort Stewart, Long and Liberty Counties.
The Paratransit service area and the days and hours of service will change if the comparable areas or times change on the regular Liberty Transit bus service.
Call 912-800-9318 for current Paratransit service information.
Levels of Paratransit Service
There are three (3) levels of ADA Paratransit service:
- Temporary – in response to an event such as a stroke, broken leg, hip replacement, etc., where the condition is expected to change within a year.
- Conditional – for people who can take the regular bus some of the time and need Paratransit some of the time. This level is customized to each person’s abilities.
- Full, Unconditional – for people who do not have the skills to use the regular bus and need Paratransit all the time.
PCAs and Guests
The need for a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) should be noted on the application form. A PCA rides for free when assisting the eligible customer.
Each eligible customer may bring one guest on every trip. The guest pays the current Paratransit fare. A request to bring more than one guest will be honored if space is available on the van.
Rides for PCAs and guest(s) should be reserved when the trip is requested. PCAs and guests must get on and off at the same time and place as the eligible customer.
Can visitors use Liberty Transit Paratransit services?
Visitors may call Liberty Transit at 912-800-9318, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., for information about using Liberty Transit’s Paratransit service.
Visitors from out of town who are certified ADA eligible by another transit provider, or provide necessary documentation of a disability, or self-certify that they have a disability that prevents them from using the regular Liberty Transit buses may use the ADA Paratransit service for up to 21 days a year. Visitors must apply through the regular Liberty Transit eligibility process if more than 21 days of service is needed during a year.
Accessible Service and Mobility Training
Liberty Transit offers free training on the bus so people can learn all they need to know to be an independent bus rider. Please call 912-800-9318 for more information about Mobility Training.
Liberty Transit assures nondiscrimination in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The phone number is accessible for people who are deaf or have hearing impairments (TDY). Upon request, alternative formats of this document will be produced for people who are disabled.
Request for Reasonable Modification to Liberty Transit’s ADA policy:
To request a modification to our policies and practices applicable to our transportation services. An individual may file a “Request for Reasonable Modification” in writing to the General Manager at the address below.
The General Manager will review the request and notify the individual of a decision to allow or deny the Reasonable Modification request by letter via certified US Mail. If the decision is to allow the modification, Liberty Transit shall have 30 days to implement the Reasonable Modification. If the request is denied, individuals have sixty (60) days from the date of the letter informing them of the denial to request an appeal. Requests for an appeal of the “Request for Reasonable Modification to Liberty Transit’s ADA policy” must be sent in writing to:
Liberty Transit
115 East M. L. King Jr. Drive
Hinesville, GA 31313
Within thirty (30) days from when the request for an appeal is received, the Appeal Committee will convene and review the appeal.
RIDE GUIDE: American with Disabilities Act Policies for Liberty Transit’s for Complementary Paratransit Systems
A comprehensive ride guide is available, providing much greater detail upon request. For more information, call Liberty Transit at 912-800-9318.
Instrucciones y solicitude de elegibilidad de ADA
ADA Paratransit Service Policy
ADA Complementario Acera a Acera Paratransito Poitica de Servicio